let enabledFilters=['category','brand']; let traduzioni = {}; var VisualizzaRibbonSconto = false; function initializeSearchContainer() { document.getElementById("osw-search-container").classList.add("active"); document.getElementsByClassName("ais-SearchBox-input")[0].focus(); } function closeOswSearch() { document.getElementById("osw-search-container").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementsByClassName("ais-ClearRefinements-button")[0].click(); } function cerca(text) { var searchBox = document.querySelector('.ais-SearchBox-input'); if (searchBox) { searchBox.value = ''; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var inputEvent = new InputEvent('input', { bubbles: true }); searchBox.value += text[i]; } searchBox.dispatchEvent(inputEvent); } else { console.error('Elemento non trovato'); } } // Funzione di attesa function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } var searchBodyTemplate = `
` const { connectHits } = instantsearch.connectors; const renderHits = (renderOptions, isFirstRender) => { if (isFirstRender == false) { const category = renderOptions.results.categoryresults; const { hits, widgetParams } = renderOptions; if (category === undefined || category == null) { document.getElementById("category-results").innerHTML=""; return; } var risultato; widgetParams.container.innerHTML = `
${category.map( item => widgetParams.templates.item.replaceAll('{{Image}}',item["Image"]).replaceAll('{{Name}}',item["Name"]).replaceAll('{{Link}}',item["Link"]) ) .join('')}
`; } }; // 2. Create the custom widget const customHits = connectHits( renderHits ); //BRAND const { connectBrandHits } = instantsearch.connectors; const renderBrandHits = (renderOptions, isFirstRender) => { if (isFirstRender == false) { const sugg = renderOptions.results.brandresults; const { hits, widgetParams } = renderOptions; if (sugg === undefined || sugg == null) { document.getElementById("brand-results").innerHTML = ""; return; } widgetParams.container.innerHTML = `
${sugg.map( item => widgetParams.templates.item.replaceAll('{{Image}}', item["Image"]).replaceAll('{{Name}}', item["Name"]).replaceAll('{{Link}}', item["Link"]) ) .join('')}
`; } }; const BrandHits = connectHits( renderBrandHits ); //FINE BRAND //suggerimenti script const { connectSuggestionsHits } = instantsearch.connectors; const renderSuggestionsHits = (renderOptions, isFirstRender) => { if (isFirstRender == false) { const sugg = renderOptions.results.suggestionsresults; const { hits, widgetParams } = renderOptions; if (sugg === undefined || sugg == null) { document.getElementById("suggerimenti").innerHTML=""; return; } widgetParams.container.innerHTML = `
${sugg.map( item => widgetParams.templates.item.replaceAll('{{Name}}',item["Name"]) ) .join('')}
`; } }; const SuggestionsHits = connectHits( renderSuggestionsHits ); //fine suggerimenti script function initiateSearch(apiKey, searchBoxIdentifier, languageId) { document.getElementById(searchBoxIdentifier).onclick = function () { initializeSearchContainer() }; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', searchBodyTemplate); const typesenseInstantsearchAdapter = new TypesenseInstantSearchAdapter({ server: { apiKey: apiKey, // Be sure to use an API key that only allows searches, in production nodes: [{ host: "www.hunty.it", port: "", protocol: "https", }, ], }, additionalSearchParameters: { "ln": languageId, }, }); const searchClient = typesenseInstantsearchAdapter.searchClient; const search = instantsearch({ searchClient, indexName: "products", routing: true, searchFunction: function (helper) { if (helper.state.query === '') { return; } helper.search(); } }); search.addWidgets([ customHits({ container: document.querySelector("#category-results"), escapeHTML: true, escapeHTML: true, templates: { item: `


`, }, cssClasses: { list: "osw-search_category-results-ontainer", item: "osw-search_category-result-box", }, }), //SUGGERIMENTI SuggestionsHits({ container: document.querySelector("#suggerimenti"), escapeHTML: true, escapeHTML: true, templates: { item: ` {{Name}} `, }, }), //FINE-SUGGERIMENTI //Brand BrandHits({ container: document.querySelector("#brand-results"), escapeHTML: true, escapeHTML: true, templates: { itemx: `
`, item: `


`, }, cssClasses: { // list: "osw-search_brand-results-ontainer", // item: "osw-search_brand-result-box", }, }), //fine brand instantsearch.widgets.searchBox({ container: "#searchbox", showSubmit: false, showReset: true, placeholder: "Cerca un prodotto... ", autofocus: false, cssClasses: { input: "osw-search_keyword-input", loadingIcon: "osw-stroke-primary", }, }), instantsearch.widgets.pagination({ container: "#pagination", cssClasses: { list: "osw-search_pagination", item: "osw-search_pagination-item", disabledItem: "osw-search_pagination-disabled", selectedItem: "osw-search_pagination-selected", }, }), //prodotti instantsearch.widgets.hits({ container: "#hits", escapeHTML: true, templates: { item: `
{{availability}} {{title}}

{{#helpers.highlight}}{ "attribute": "title" }{{/helpers.highlight}}

\{{price}} \{{prezzovecchio}}
{{sku}} `, empty: `

Non è stato trovato alcun prodotto per la ricerca {{ query }} Prova a cercare con meno parole o con termini diversi.

`, }, transformItems(items) { return items.map(entry => { entry.prezzovecchio = oldpricevalorized(entry['price'], entry['old-price-value'], entry['price-withoutDiscount-value']), entry.ribbon = discountribbon(entry['price'], entry['old-price-value'], entry['price-withoutDiscount-value']), entry.ribboncss = discountribbonclass(entry['price'], entry['old-price-value'], entry['price-withoutDiscount-value']), entry.price = '€ ' + entry.price.toFixed(2), entry.test = dispoclass(entry.availability), entry.availability = dispo(entry.availability) return entry }) }, cssClasses: { list: "osw-search_product-box-container", item: "osw-search_product-box", }, }), instantsearch.widgets.stats({ container: "#stats", templates: { text: ` {{#hasNoResults}}Non è stato trovato alcun prodotto per la ricerca {{/hasNoResults}} {{#hasOneResult}}1 prodotto{{/hasOneResult}} {{#hasManyResults}}{{#helpers.formatNumber}}{{nbHits}}{{/helpers.formatNumber}} prodotti{{/hasManyResults}} trovati in {{processingTimeMS}}ms `, }, cssClasses: { text: "small", }, }), instantsearch.widgets.clearRefinements({ templates: { resetLabel: `Cancella Filtri` }, container: "#clear-refinements", }), instantsearch.widgets.currentRefinements({ container: "#current-refinements", }), ]); const { connectPoweredBy } = instantsearch.connectors; // Create the render function const renderPoweredBy = (renderOptions, isFirstRender) => { const { url, widgetParams } = renderOptions; widgetParams.container.innerHTML = ` Powered by Open Software `; }; // Create the custom widget const customPoweredBy = connectPoweredBy( renderPoweredBy ); // Instantiate the custom widget search.addWidgets([ customPoweredBy({ container: document.querySelector('#powewdby'), }) ]); //additional filters attribute if (enabledFilters != null && enabledFilters != undefined && enabledFilters != '') { enabledFilters.forEach(function (item, index) { var attributeHtml = `

Filtra per ` + getTranslation(traduzioni, item) + `

` document.getElementById("osw-actual-filters").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', attributeHtml); search.addWidgets([ instantsearch.widgets.refinementList({ limit: 8, showMoreLimit: 100, container: "#" + item, attribute: item, searchable: false, searchablePlaceholder: "Filtra per " + getTranslation(traduzioni, item) , showMore: true, templates: { showMoreText: ` {{#isShowingMore}} Mostra meno {{/isShowingMore}} {{^isShowingMore}} Mostra altri {{/isShowingMore}} `, }, sortBy: ["count:desc"], }), ]); }); } search.start(); } function dispo(testo) { if (testo.toLowerCase() === "in stock") { return 'DISPONIBILE'; } else { return 'NON DISPONIBILE'; } } function dispoclass(testo) { if (testo.toLowerCase() == "in stock") { return 'c-pill--success'; } else { return 'c-pill--danger'; } } function oldpricevalorized(prezzo,vecchioprezzo,priceWithoutDiscount) { var maxmumPrice= Math.max(vecchioprezzo, priceWithoutDiscount) if (prezzo == vecchioprezzo || vecchioprezzo<=0 || vecchioprezzo==undefined ) { return ''; } else { return '€ ' + vecchioprezzo; } } function discountribbonclass(prezzo,vecchioprezzo,priceWithoutDiscount) { var maxmumPrice= Math.max(vecchioprezzo, priceWithoutDiscount) if (prezzo == maxmumPrice || maxmumPrice<=0|| isNaN(maxmumPrice) || VisualizzaRibbonSconto == false) { return ''; } else { return 'ribbon ribbon-top-right'; // return '
'; } } function discountribbon(prezzo,vecchioprezzo,priceWithoutDiscount) { var maxmumPrice= Math.max(vecchioprezzo, priceWithoutDiscount) if (prezzo == maxmumPrice || maxmumPrice<=0 || isNaN(maxmumPrice)|| VisualizzaRibbonSconto == false) { return ''; } else { return '-'+calcPercentage(prezzo,maxmumPrice); } } function calcPercentage(x, y, fixed = 0) { const percent = ((y - x) / y) * 100; if(!isNaN(percent)){ return percent.toFixed(fixed) + '%'; }else{ return ''; } } function oswToggle(e) { e.classList.toggle("active"); var panel = e.nextElementSibling; if (panel.style.display === "block" || panel.style.display==="") { panel.style.display = "none"; } else { panel.style.display = "block"; } }; function getTranslation(jsonObj, key) { if (jsonObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // Se la chiave esiste, restituisci il suo valore return jsonObj[key]; } else { // Se la chiave non esiste, restituisci il nome della chiave mancante return `${key}`; } }